A Few of My Favorite Things

  • God and all that goes with Him
  • Time Spent With Family
  • Bedtime Prayers
  • Family/Group Hugs
  • The Beach
  • Good Friends
  • Good Music
  • Laughter

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Time of Reflection

Wow, time seems to move so quickly. In our family, the months since January have gone by in a blur! We've had a snow day, My sweetheart is working on building his own fiddle. He's now coaching machine pitch baseball because our little man begged him to. We've made the trip to LtL convention and came home edified and exhausted. What an encouragement it is to see so many people fired up for the Lord and working for His glory throughout the year! All the shouting and rejoicing was a little piece of heaven! And just think in heaven, I'll actually be able to chime in celebrating and participating in all the fun. The bank account is past low,but the house is full of love. Our needs are met and I have a roof over my head. I may hurt all day, but the ones who love me are close or could get here quickly. So what I'm saying is I AM BLESSED!!
It doesn't matter that my head hurts all the time and that many days all I want to do is bury that head under pillows and not come out. God has granted me with what I need. That actually includes my meds, and though my boys may not always like the restrictions the headache places on family outings, they've come to accept them in stride and we move on. I do truly recognize the blessing in their understanding. In my trips to the headache clinics we're required to attend group therapy. In one of those sessions there were 30 women present (migraines statistically affect women more than men), out of that 30 only 3 of us were still with the mate we started the headache with. I'm so thankful for my stubborn, mule headed,knight in shining armor! It's that determination that has kept him in this battle with me, and who has taught my little man that just because mama can't always get out doesn't mean she doesn't want to.
Can you tell that I started this blog about 2 weeks ago and then I've had to let it sit?! The headache has been ugly, but what a blessing it is to have older women in my life who fight the battle with chronic pain and to hear their encouraging words.
You'll make it through this
. I'm so thankful that God brought us to the place we're in at the time He did. Our church family, though relatively small has more women who deal with chronic pain than any other congregation we've been a part of before. It's a wonderful thing to have that support system in place! I am blessed!!
My little man has had his fair share of accomplishments since January too. He's made the all A honor roll, he's done everything for LtL that he personally planned to do, and even won first place at Piggly Wiggly in a coloring contest and now has a giant blue fuzzy bunny to join the rest of the stuffed zoo in his room. He's enjoyed a nice long chat with his birth mother over the phone (who probably now knows more than she wants to about a certain video game :) )He is so strong and so is she! I pray I'm listening to all he has to say as attentively as I should; so that, I filter out all the verbiage and catch all the messages he's sending me from his heart. It seems that those things that are the most important to him get thrown into the mix with discussions concerning Lego's, star wars, or Toon Town. Yet once again I have to say, I AM BLESSED! May you have a blessed day too.