A Few of My Favorite Things

  • God and all that goes with Him
  • Time Spent With Family
  • Bedtime Prayers
  • Family/Group Hugs
  • The Beach
  • Good Friends
  • Good Music
  • Laughter

Friday, February 26, 2010

Why I'm starting this blog.

I'm starting this blog with some misgivings and yet feel that I do have something to share.

  1. I am a New Testament Christian, and have been blessed to be raised in a home where God has always been the answer. Good, bad or ugly. Mama saw to that on a daily basis and Daddy reinforced it in his discussions over "coffee" at the local breakfast spot. Mama taught me how to pray and the power of it; and Daddy showed me you don't just sit around waiting for God to answer those prayers-you work and watch for His direction.

  2. I met my husband the summer I turned 14, married him 6 days after I turned 18,have shared the last 20 years and 7 months with him,and look forward to many more-Lord willing. He is my best friend, love of my life, and rock when all else seems to come crashing down around me. He truly is and has always been my Knight in shining armor.

  3. I've lost one of my sisters and a cousin to the poor choices of a Drunk Driver.

  4. I love math and taught for 13 years before the headache became more than I could/wanted to handle while being in the classroom. Yes, I'm one of those "crazy" people that gets excited if you start talking about solving equations and factoring.

  5. I've dealt with chronic pain for 11 years now. I have a 24/7 migraine level headache every second of every day. We live in the dark at our house (or at least in the room I happen to be in). The headache has become an unwelcome member of our family, yet it determines if and when family activities are carried out, who goes to the grocery store, and how much noise can be made in our home. Yet there have been many blessings that have come our way because of this headache.

  6. I'm the adoptive mama of a very beautiful/handsome 7 year old boy who has brought more joy and laughter into our home than I could ever have imagined when we began the adoption process almost exactly 8 years ago. We have been blessed by getting to know his birth mother (who happens to be one of the most courageous women I've ever met).

  7. Lastly, I want to find a way to help others and connect with people that I can't in the "real world" because of being home bound a great deal of the time now. So in some respect this will also be a therapeutic tool, so I can at least see if by sharing the pain and joy of my life just maybe I'll find some relief to the headache that is my constant companion.


  1. Hey girl,
    I love ya and I am happy that you are sharing your journey.

  2. Hey there,

    Jennifer Lindsey sent me your way. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

  3. Thanks Dana,
    Lynn sent me your direction.
