Seven years ago today, I woke up with butterflies in my stomach and joy in my heart! Today is the anniversary of the day my little man became legally a part of our forever family. We both took off the whole day from work and tried to sleep in, but the excitement was just too great! Today was the day, that little bit of anxiety, that little bit of fear would be lifted from our shoulders and our little man would be ours.
I can't explain why there was still the fear and anxiety that took up a small portion of my heart, but it did. And today the lawyers, judge, and state would finally have their final say so...and my boy would be mine. The joy in that and the relief is one of those "major" blessings that come in life. (I so don't want to take a way from the sacrifice his birth mother made for us, because she's a part of our forever family too. But back then, our love for her was/is without measure but we didn't know her like we do now.) Today was one of those days when not only the sunshine was shining in our lives but the Son was shining in our lives! His love and care for us were felt that day just as warm as the hot Alabama sun!
We had both sets of grandparents traveling to be with us and our quick lunch was eaten (and of course spilled on the dress I planned to wear, for those who know my family this was not a surprise it seems to be a genetic occurrence). So what I planned to wear, was quickly changed and cars were loaded and we made the trip to the lawyers office. We met one of those precious people there that helped us get from wanting to adopt to this special day, and were walked through what would happen when we were in the court room.
The joy and laughter that we shared with our social workers and parents in the waiting room is a precious memory. My little guy had just begun to pull up and cruise the furniture. He totally enjoyed being the center of attention (one of the things that hasn't changed over the years) and crawled, cruised from person to person. The love and blessings of those moments are beyond words.
It wasn't long and we were called into the courtroom and my sweetheart and I sat up front with the lawyer, and I have to admit I was so nervous that there are parts of the precedings I don't remember. I do remember being so nervous that when the judge asked me my address that it took me a few moments to remember it. And I definitely remember him asking me, "Do you promise to take this child as your own, to love and care for him, and provide for him?" The "I do" I answered with was the same "I do" I answered with on my wedding day. An "I do" so filled with joy that tears streamed down my face. I have to admit that the next thing I remember was the judge banging the gavel and making him ours forever.
Pictures with all those very special people were taken and hugs and kisses to grandmas and grandpas given. My little man had never had any real sweets before that day, he tasted his first taste of ice cream as he sat in my daddy's lap. Ice cream is how our family celebrates big and small things. Needless to say, he totally enjoyed that first taste of ice cream and we enjoyed watching him eat it.
Tonight we'll have ice cream, and if my little man has his way it'll be DQ. We also make a habit of getting a family game. He's chosen one this year that we'll have to order. But he's been able to talk mama and daddy into the Toy Story soldier Lego's. (I'm a big Toy Story fan,but that's a story for another day.) Love to all.
I've worked hard at keeping names out of my post because I don't want to intrude on the privacy of our birth mother, but please take time to check out Agape. The work the do is a precious one, and one that is a blessing to all the lives it touches. Our social workers are a part of our forever family too. Both here and Lord willing, the eternal one to come!
A Fresh Start: Man on the Run
2 hours ago
I love your story. Thank you for sharing it. I know you feel that the blessings are all yours, but I think Samuel is a very blessed little guy too. I love you!!!