I found myself this weekend saying several times that you couldn't pay me enough to go back and redo high school (and you couldn't),but given the opprotunity I'd go back and redo college over and over again. But that got me thinking would I really want to go back to those days,with only the life experiences I had then,etc...
There's a part of me that immediately says yes, because I'd get to relive some of the best times Jenny and I had as sisters. It was a time when we went from sibling rivalry to friendship. Those are days I treasure and pull outwhen I get to missing her and the memory of just what her voice sounded like begins to fade. But, I'm so thankful to have those first four rocky, learning years of my marriage behind me. A lot of those days were hard. My sweetheart worked very hard to help keep me in school, so he was tired and grouchy (not to mentionhe dealt with an uptight wife whofelt like perfection was the key at home and at school). So I'm thankful to have those rough years behind us and move into these last years were while all is not perfect, we can read each others moods, have some idea of what needs to be done for each other, and have the confidence that in the face of life's storms we'll weather them together.
Mama made a comment not to long ago that has made me sit and examine my heart. She said, "It seems like we're stuck in 1998." I've spent some time thinking about that and I agree. It's almost as if there are times when we can't give ouselves permission to keep moving forward. It's such the opposite of how Jenny and Willard lived their lives. They were always busy,looking for the next opprotunity, or thenext trip to go sit at the bookstore :-). So we've continued to live we've had children, watched mama and daddy play with the grandkids, continued to be artistic and create beautiful pieces of art. This is what shewould have wanted us to do. But there are days when I feel like I'm flung back to Jan. 1998. What a blessing it is to know that God keeps this old world moving even when I feel like it comes to a stand stiil. That time continues to pass and the joy found in remembering the funny stories outweighs the pain of the loss more often than it used to. I'm so thankful that I'm not in control of where I am in time but that God has that control. What wonderful blessings I would have missied out on for the fear of the pain that would come at the end. God is good,His love endures forever!!
A Fresh Start: Man on the Run
3 hours ago
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